This summer TAJ hosted its biggest summer festival on the terraces. Our summer dream festival had something for everyone; from Pop-Up shops, A crazy kids' area and an Extreme sports area, to our famous indoor skating rink, all in a bohemian set up! Our weekend live shows were not to be missed, featuring popular bands such as Jadal and El-Morabba3, as well as various kids' edutainment shows.
Jan 7, 2017
This year’s Christmas theme was inspired by Van Gogh’s Starry Night. TAJ’s Center Court was transformed into a charming fenced Christmas village with wooden cottages and a star-studded sky complete with a huge golden moon. The activation kicks off at the story-telling cottage where a puppet of Mrs. Clause tells the children a story of how the village came to be. The journey then continues to include activities such as archery, dress-up, a challenging obstacles area and a creative arts & crafts station as the grand finale where children get to take their lovely creations home. Spreading the holiday cheer through the halls, the corridors were decorated with gold reindeer, stars & ornaments giving off classic Christmas vibes, whereas huge gold gift boxes were Installed at the voids so the decoration can be seen from all levels.
Dec 1, 2016
"Skate back to the '90s!" Back by popular demand and in celebration of Eid Al Fitr and summer, TAJ Lifestyle hosted its famous Roller Skating rink at the Center Court once again! Skaters got to relive the '90s at our skating rink, complete with '90s decorations and the most popular songs from the '90s! Certified skating instructors were available to insure children's safety and well being at all times and to show them the proper way to skate.
Jun 7, 2016
"Win a trip to Hollywood with TAJ!" In spirit of the 2016 Oscars, TAJ created it's own Oscars-inspired booth complete with the Walk of Fame, life-size Oscar statues and a big screen TV where visitors recorded DubSmash clips of their choice from a list of classic movies like The Godfather and Forrest Gump to 2016 Oscar-nominated movies like The Revenant and The Big Short. The best video won a trip to Hollywood for two and a tour of Universal Studios! The event attracted many participants and showcased many hidden Jordanian talents!
May 25, 2016
"Be part of the flock!" In collaboration with MBC3, TAJ Lifestyle was proud to present the official Shaun the Sheep Show for four days of fun-filled shows and activities! Children enjoyed watching 3 daily live shows, dancing with Shaun and taking part in the fun Championsheeps farm games, all at TAJ's Center Court. Our Center Court was packed with eager children who enjoyed watching their favorite show and interacting with the characters!
Apr 28, 2016
"A Mother's Day Special!" TAJ's Center Court was transformed into a two-story house complete with a living room, bedroom, kitchen and a Chrysler car in a garage structure, as well as a miniature garden. All rooms were fully-equipped with television sets, electronics and modern furniture that customers could win by entering the draw. All customers had to do was exchange their invoices at the Customer Care desk with coupons that allowed them to enter the draw to the prize of their choice! This promotion received a lot of participants and plenty of positive feedback from our customers and tenants alike.  
Mar 3, 2016